
Applying Ayurveda in Modern Day Life

Applying Ayurveda in Modern Day Life

Ayurveda is great for everyBODY. Now more than ever as we rush through our ever-demanding lives we need to take some time out for ourselves to slow down, nurture, live with nature and nourish ourselves by the laws of ancient Ayurveda.


Simple Tips To Tackle Arthritis

Simple Tips To Tackle Arthritis

Arthritis manifests in many different ways as an inflammatory disease or disorder, generally affecting the musculoskeletal system, specifically connective tissue and joints. There are about a hundred different forms of arthritis, but some of the more common types include Rheumatoid arthritis, Gouty arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and Juvenile arthritis.

Arthritis may not be life threatening, but it can be debilitating and severely affects the quality of life. Pain and stiffness are the main symptoms, resulting from inflammation or damage to the joint as a result of the disorder. The pain can be excruciating, reducing mobility in the affected joint and also causing deformities.

Treat the Three Types of Anemia

Treat the Three Types of Anemia

Many people in today’s society fail to get enough iron in their diets.

There are many factors which can cause anemia. It may be due to a vegetarian diet lacking in the right combination of foods, including plant-based proteins, or living a life so busy that meal times are hurried and feature too many processed foods devoid of nutrition.

Ayurveda views anemia to be a linked with the subdosha of pitta: pachaka pitta. Seated in the stomach, it aids in the process of properly assimilating digested foods. If this process does not function properly, the minerals in the food, like iron, do not pass into the blood stream.